After losing my way a bit (a lot) with running last year, I’ve decided I need to set myself some achievable but challenging goals for 2020. Because, much as I hate to admit it, I’m way more likely to finally go on long runs again if I have something to aim at.
With that in mind, my goals are:
- Run a sub-25 parkrun
- Run a half marathon I’m proud of
To help honestly keep track of my progress, I’m also resurrecting my training diary. Which will look a bit weird for the next few weeks, while my principle is just “do something”, before I settle into a proper plan.

Monday – rest day
I’d planned to do some strength work, but was just wiped so it wasn’t worth it.
Tuesday – 4.7 miles @ 11:03
Yay! A run! Managed to fit something in between various child-related commitments. Took it nice and steady for the most part, but still found it hard at the start as I really struggle running after work. Had to push a bit towards the end as I forgot I’m slower than I used to be, and so cut it fine to get back in time.
Wednesday – planned rest day
Thursday – rest day
Again with exhaustion
Friday – planned rest day
Saturday – Lydiard parkrun with Lani
Running a 5k parkrun with Lani isn’t the most strenuous of workouts, but it’s fun (other than fighting congestion) and definitely better than nothing. In future I’d like to try to tag some extra miles on when I run with her.
Sunday – Collett Park junior parkrun with Lani and buggy
This was more of a workout than it should have been as a) Lani is getting faster b) short sharp hills are tough with a buggy and c) I’m really not fit. It was a really nice place to run though.
I’d intended to go out for a ‘proper’ run later in the day, but for various reasons it just didn’t happen.