Tag Archives: Lollys Training Diary

I don’t want to forget 2020

by Lolly

Happy New Year everyone! I can understand why a lot of people are happy to see the end of 2020, but it makes me sad the number of people saying they want to forget it completely.

In terms of running headlines, I had a bit of a shocker of the year. My main goal for the year was sub-25 5k. Right now, unless I’m feeling great and really pushing myself, I’d struggle to get sub-30. But that doesn’t mean I should write it off completely, because…

I ran 5k every Saturday in 2020

At the point parkrun stopped at the end of March (and this whole post focuses on that point onwards), I hadn’t missed an event in the year. Which was pretty good going given the weather issues we’d had. And I decided to keep that anchor in my week.

My route changed a few weeks in when the paths got too busy, and as a loop around roads it isn’t the most exciting, but it works. There’s something nice about it not being a decision. On Saturdays I get up, hydrate, have a small bit to eat, and then go run my loop. Nothing to think about. And yes, present tense, because 2020 ending doesn’t mean my streak has stopped.

Some weeks, particularly early on, I sped round the loop. Others were more gentle. Which brings me onto…

I got better at listening to my body

Like a lot of people, I experienced quite high stress levels last year. This was pretty draining, and meant that sometimes running hard would have been counter-productive. So I gave myself a little more slack in not pushing myself too far.

I also started taking my hormones into account more. I started tracking my cycle in 2019 (on an app called Clue if you’re interested), but while I knew certain days were better for running than others I never did anything about it. In 2020 I started looking at when my next cycle was due, and planning to take runs super gently if they coincided with the start.

And for some Saturdays, that meant run/walking. Because feeling good at the start of the weekend is more important than getting round a few seconds faster. And, also, being prepared to run/walk meant…

I still ran with my family

Although we didn’t manage it as often as we’d have liked, Lani and I managed to go for a few runs together after school. Sometimes we planned a route in advance, sometimes we just made a decision at every turn. Sometimes we walked about as much as we ran, sometimes we practised our ‘super strong running’, and sometimes we had truly playful fartleks.

One Saturday in December I woke up feeling particularly shocking, and knew I was going to need a very gentle run/walk. I asked Lani if she’d like to head out with me. Suddenly a very demoralising slog turned into an adventure. I’d run that route around 30 times in the year, but to her it was exciting and new. We chatted, we laughed, and had a great start to our weekend.

I also managed a few buggy runs, whether after morning drop-off on my day off, or when doing nursery pick up in the evening. Buggy running is something that makes me feel strong and confident, so I’d like to do it more.

And one of my last runs in the year was one of my favourites. In wisdom and understanding beyond her years, Lani had declared back in July that “if things are still like this at Christmas then we can still go for a family run in the morning”. So, on the first Christmas Day of her life that didn’t revolve around Longrun Meadow parkrun, we did just that. The 4 of us ran to Longrun Meadow, did one short lap through the icy puddles, and then ran home.

It was heaven.

Lolly’s mid-year running recap

by Lolly

So somehow we are now halfway through 2020. I’m not entirely sure how, as (like lots of other people) I’m convinced it’s still March. Which is somewhat demonstrated by my lack of blog posts in the meantime. Still, mid-year is a good time to reflect and reset.

The start of my year is pretty well documented, with me running more miles in January than in any month since 2015. February slipped a bit, but I still edged over the 50 mile marker I was hoping to hit.

And then March happened.

One week I was celebrating the latest batch of beginners graduating, with life pretty much as normal, the next week parkrun and club runs were being cancelled, and I was working from home. Soon followed by the kids being home as well.

The change in routine was drastic. Where before the walk to and from school and work meant I clocked up 3 miles of walking a day without trying, now I was walking a couple of metres to my desk, and had no decompression barrier between work life and home life.

The lack of parkrun hit me hardest. Towards the end of last year, when things were a bit all over the place, I promised myself that I would do parkrun every week. That whatever else happened, however I was feeling, it would be my anchor. And then it stopped. But, like lots of other people, I carried on. That first Saturday I headed off at exactly 9 o’clock, because I needed to process the adjustment properly.

By the third Saturday, I’d built up a rhythm and ran my fastest 5k of the year so far. The confidence boost was amazing. I might not be able to run parkrun, but I could make sure that I got fitter and stronger. Get my running back to where I want.

Over the three weeks that followed I got into the rhythm of running. My Saturday Morning 5k had to move to an earlier start time, and then to a different route, because of too many people. But it remained a positive driver in my week. I even managed to get some online workout classes in as well.

And then I crashed.

My body reacts really badly to stress. Up to a certain level I do ok, but sustained high levels of stress just break me. One Monday morning, I sat at my desk and realised I was too drained and exhausted to be sitting up. After spending the rest of the day curled up in bed, I was able to get through the rest of the week, albeit feeling pretty weak.

But when Saturday came round, I knew I had to run. Knew that my stress levels would not be improved by skipping out on my anchor. So I went out, putting no pressure pace, just doing what I felt my body could do. Acknowledging that the main purpose of the run was mental not physical.

After a few weeks of only running once a week, Ben pushed me out for an extra run. Just 2 miles down the road and back, but it was something. Since then my running has been really hit and miss. A few times I’ve run really well and felt like I was on the way back, and then some weeks I’ve been really tired and had to rest.

In January I ran 60 miles, in May I ran just 17. It was still 17 miles though, when it could very easily have been zero.

I’ve been really lucky during lockdown in lots of ways. My job transfers really well to working from home (in fact, I’m now a permanent home worker), and the company I work for have been amazingly understanding about those of us with kids at home. Ben got furloughed a couple of weeks in, which took off a lot of pressure with the kids. And my friends and family have so far managed to stay well.

My goals from the start of the year now seem a lifetime a way. Running a parkrun in sub-25 would obviously depend on parkrun being back, but also I’m currently taking a fair bit over 30 minutes to run 5k. With the right balance of training, and managing my energy levels, that should just be temporary. And as for running a half marathon I’m proud of, I imagine any races at the end of the year are going to be pretty busy, and I don’t think now is the best time to put my body through half marathon training.

So maybe I need some new goals, some new direction. I don’t know. What I do know, though, is that I’ll keep running 5k on a Saturday morning. Because it’s what I do.

Tired, slower, lacking in colour, but still running

Lolly’s training diary: February recap

by Lolly

So, perhaps inevitably, my training diary progress sort of lapsed. The longer I left it, the more there was to write, the less inclined I was to write about it. So here’s a sort of recap for all of February (shockingly, a week after I meant to write it).

parkruns – 5

I maintained my streak of making it to parkrun each week. The 1st and 8th were at Longrun Meadow, both with a mile each side to get there and back. Then the weather took a turn for the worse, so I went to Burnham and Highbridge on the 15th. This was a particularly tough run for me, with memories of such a good run there at the start of last year while feeling so out of shape. The 22nd saw a family outing to Eastville, where I ran with Lani and the buggy. And, finally, Lani and I celebrated the first ever Leap Day parkrun back at Burnham and Highbridge, this time for a reverse course.

Sometimes it’s more important to run happy than to run fast

Beginners group sessions – 4

Weeks 4 to 7 of the beginners group obviously progress immensely in terms of the amount of running, so the mileage from this added up quite nicely. I also ran to club and back home after each week – one week taking an extended 1 mile route in each direction.

Other runs – 4

So this isn’t quite the direction I was hoping this would go in, but there are still some positives to be found. The first week of February I was thick with cold, so skipped my now-regular Tuesday run. I had, however, run with Lani at Longrun Meadow juniors on the Sunday, which is something at least.
The next week, Ben was able to sort the kids, giving me a little longer than usual, so I made a full 6 miles. This was a massive boost psychologically, given my recent lack of running, and actually felt pretty good.
Then came half term, and my usual scheduled slot disappeared, but I forced myself out anyway. I was aiming for somewhere between 5 and 6 miles. There was freezing rain for half my run: I did exactly 5 miles.
And for my final Tuesday slot, I had to juggle extra children-related responsibilities, as Ben got stuck at work late. Through sheer insane determination I still got a 3.3 mile run in. And was rewarded with hail for the last few minutes.

Exercise classes – 4

February’s big news is that I joined a gym. Well technically that was the end of January’s big news, but I was thick with cold then so I couldn’t do anything about it. Based on my personal strength goals, I opted to try a Kettlebells class. This has definitely been a challenge, but it’s one I’m really enjoying. I’ll definitely be on the lighter weights for a while, although I’m nearly able to actually move the next day now.

Gym sessions – 2

I did my starter gym session the week after I started Kettlebells. In my past gym life (pre-children) I mostly did cardio with a bit of dumbbells/medicine balls etc. I did learn about all the weights machines but never really used them.
This time I made sure to take notes on different machines and settings, focusing on upper body strength. My favourite is definitely the cable machine, which I want to learn more exercises for. And in a complete reversal of my very first gym outings, I can no longer cope with treadmills. Forcing myself to stay on for 5 minutes to warm up was incredibly tedious, and I have no desire to repeat to confirm the hypothesis.

So there you have it, my February all wrapped up.

Miles in month: 50.5
Miles in year: 110.9

Lolly’s training diary: w/c 27th January

by Lolly

I sort of planned this week. By which I mean I wrote down a couple of days it would be nice to run.

Monday – rest day
Tuesday – 5.6 miles @ 11:02

I’m really trying to make Tuesday evening runs a habit. This week I had slightly longer than usual, so figured I could probably get 6 miles in. I was coming down with a cold, so it took me at least 3 miles to get into it. After that it became quite enjoyable, until the point I realised my route wasn’t long enough. Must plan more.

Wednesday – RFRC beginners week 3

Didn’t get any extra mileage in, but was pleased to still enjoy the group while very definitely full of cold.

Thursday – rest day
Friday – rest day
Total miles in January: 60.4
Saturday – 1 mile, Longrun Meadow parkrun, 1 mile

With the whole family struggling, touring wasn’t going to happen this week. I wasn’t feeling too bad first thing, and after running the mile to Longrun Meadow decided to go for it and see how I felt. I ended up running it in 28:46, which I’m pretty happy with given I definitely struggled with my cold. Great to see running friends, and with the mile home as well it took the pressure off running the next day.

Sunday – Longrun Meadow junior parkrun

I didn’t make it out for a ‘proper’ run, but I did go for another loop round Longrun Meadow with Lani. The puddles were significantly worse, and somehow despite constantly trying to splash me Lani finished only a second off her overall PB. More time to chat with running friends rounded off the week nicely.

Miles in week: 14
Miles in February so far: 6.2
Miles in 2020 so far: 66.8

I ran more miles in January than I’ve run in any month since July 2015. My previous highest January was 2018, when I ran 40.8 miles. The best part is though that I’m not doing anything crazy, I’m just getting runs in where I can. Which is an exciting platform to build on for the rest of the year.

Lolly’s training diary: w/c 13th & 20th January

by Lolly

My best intentions of keeping a training diary are already falling behind track, so here’s two weeks’ worth in one.

Monday – 4 x 2 min effort, 1 min recovery, plus warm up and cool down

I needed to do some sort of intervals, as I hadn’t tried out a programmed workout on my new watch and didn’t want my first go to be at beginners. Despite feeling a bit meh about the idea of going out I really loved this, and reminded myself quite how much I like going fast.

Tuesday – rest day

I’d hoped to do a strength or stretch workout, but it didn’t happen.

Wednesday – RFRC beginners week 1

My hope had been to add a couple of miles around this session, but for various reasons it didn’t work out.

Thursday – planned rest day
Friday – rest day

Again with the lack of stretching or strengthening

Saturday – Land’s End parkrun with buggy

This was a nice level of challenge for me, and given the shape I’m in I was happy with finishing in 34:24. I’d love to go back there when I’m feeling stronger to attack the hills, and just to enjoy the scenery again.

Sunday – 5.1 miles @ 10:36

My route was mostly constructed for simplicity reasons, as Ben was out racing and my knowledge of the area near Ben’s parents’ house isn’t great. So I ran down the hill, did the Penrose parkrun course, and then ran back up the hill. Emphasis on the up. Running all the way back up through town left me feeling really good about running. Aren’t endorphins great?

Miles in the week: 12.6
Miles in January so far: 39.4
Miles in 2020 so far: 39.4

Partly because of being away for the weekend and partly because I was annoyed with feeling I was failing, I didn’t plan anything for w/c 20th January.

Monday – rest day
Tuesday – 3.5 miles with buggy @ 12:09

This was one of those runs that just never seemed to click. I had to emergency stop when someone stepped out in front of me. I hadn’t tightened the front wheel enough so had to stop that. KK insisted on handing me his hat. And running felt bad the whole time. But I can’t lose sight of the fact I managed to get out after work and fit a run in around the kids.

Wednesday – RFRC beginners week 2, plus 1.3 miles

I managed to find a route to club that was almost exactly 1 mile, which was nice. On the way home I only ran as far as the supermarket, as I didn’t think running the rest of the way back with a bottle of wine was a good idea.

Thursday – rest day
Friday – 3.1 miles @ 10:53

Ben was able to do the school run in the morning, so I took advantage and snuck out. I wasn’t feeling amazing when I headed out, but felt much better once I’d run.

Saturday – Chippenham parkrun with buggy

Yeah, so this was tough. Circumstances meant that it was a test of brute strength, mental toughness, and then a lung-buster to finish. All in all, finishing in 36:31 was nothing short of a miracle.

Sunday – rest day
Miles in the week: 13.4
Miles in January so far: 52.8
Miles in 2020 so far: 52.8

I really need to look at putting a proper plan together, so that I can get some more structured runs in.

Lolly’s Training Diary: w/c 6th January 2020

by Lolly

After losing my way a bit (a lot) with running last year, I’ve decided I need to set myself some achievable but challenging goals for 2020. Because, much as I hate to admit it, I’m way more likely to finally go on long runs again if I have something to aim at.

With that in mind, my goals are:

  1. Run a sub-25 parkrun
  2. Run a half marathon I’m proud of

To help honestly keep track of my progress, I’m also resurrecting my training diary. Which will look a bit weird for the next few weeks, while my principle is just “do something”, before I settle into a proper plan.

I have an actual diary and everything
Monday – rest day

I’d planned to do some strength work, but was just wiped so it wasn’t worth it.

Tuesday – 4.7 miles @ 11:03

Yay! A run! Managed to fit something in between various child-related commitments. Took it nice and steady for the most part, but still found it hard at the start as I really struggle running after work. Had to push a bit towards the end as I forgot I’m slower than I used to be, and so cut it fine to get back in time.

Wednesday – planned rest day
Thursday – rest day

Again with exhaustion

Friday – planned rest day
Saturday – Lydiard parkrun with Lani

Running a 5k parkrun with Lani isn’t the most strenuous of workouts, but it’s fun (other than fighting congestion) and definitely better than nothing. In future I’d like to try to tag some extra miles on when I run with her.

Sunday – Collett Park junior parkrun with Lani and buggy

This was more of a workout than it should have been as a) Lani is getting faster b) short sharp hills are tough with a buggy and c) I’m really not fit. It was a really nice place to run though.
I’d intended to go out for a ‘proper’ run later in the day, but for various reasons it just didn’t happen.

Miles in the week: 9
Miles in January so far: 26.8
Miles in 2020 so far: 26.8