My best intentions of keeping a training diary are already falling behind track, so here’s two weeks’ worth in one.

Monday – 4 x 2 min effort, 1 min recovery, plus warm up and cool down
I needed to do some sort of intervals, as I hadn’t tried out a programmed workout on my new watch and didn’t want my first go to be at beginners. Despite feeling a bit meh about the idea of going out I really loved this, and reminded myself quite how much I like going fast.
Tuesday – rest day
I’d hoped to do a strength or stretch workout, but it didn’t happen.
Wednesday – RFRC beginners week 1
My hope had been to add a couple of miles around this session, but for various reasons it didn’t work out.
Thursday – planned rest day
Friday – rest day
Again with the lack of stretching or strengthening
Saturday – Land’s End parkrun with buggy
This was a nice level of challenge for me, and given the shape I’m in I was happy with finishing in 34:24. I’d love to go back there when I’m feeling stronger to attack the hills, and just to enjoy the scenery again.
Sunday – 5.1 miles @ 10:36
My route was mostly constructed for simplicity reasons, as Ben was out racing and my knowledge of the area near Ben’s parents’ house isn’t great. So I ran down the hill, did the Penrose parkrun course, and then ran back up the hill. Emphasis on the up. Running all the way back up through town left me feeling really good about running. Aren’t endorphins great?
Miles in the week: 12.6
Miles in January so far: 39.4
Miles in 2020 so far: 39.4

Partly because of being away for the weekend and partly because I was annoyed with feeling I was failing, I didn’t plan anything for w/c 20th January.
Monday – rest day
Tuesday – 3.5 miles with buggy @ 12:09
This was one of those runs that just never seemed to click. I had to emergency stop when someone stepped out in front of me. I hadn’t tightened the front wheel enough so had to stop that. KK insisted on handing me his hat. And running felt bad the whole time. But I can’t lose sight of the fact I managed to get out after work and fit a run in around the kids.
Wednesday – RFRC beginners week 2, plus 1.3 miles
I managed to find a route to club that was almost exactly 1 mile, which was nice. On the way home I only ran as far as the supermarket, as I didn’t think running the rest of the way back with a bottle of wine was a good idea.
Thursday – rest day
Friday – 3.1 miles @ 10:53
Ben was able to do the school run in the morning, so I took advantage and snuck out. I wasn’t feeling amazing when I headed out, but felt much better once I’d run.
Saturday – Chippenham parkrun with buggy
Yeah, so this was tough. Circumstances meant that it was a test of brute strength, mental toughness, and then a lung-buster to finish. All in all, finishing in 36:31 was nothing short of a miracle.

Sunday – rest day
Miles in the week: 13.4
Miles in January so far: 52.8
Miles in 2020 so far: 52.8
I really need to look at putting a proper plan together, so that I can get some more structured runs in.